Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 7

Blossoms are blooming. I'm scared for my allergies. I may die.

We registered for classes today and I got placed in Level 2, which worked out for the best because now I don't have a Friday class that ends at 6:20pm. I feel like I can't relax just yet as there's so much things I have to do, and they're super important things to, such as setting up a bank account, getting a cell phone, etc.

A random thought: I've been here almost a week and to be honest, it still hasn't completely hit me yet. I don't feel like I'm in Japan but more like I'm in Japantown, or in a Japanese drama with no subtitles. 

I sometimes get a little confused when talking to my host parents. Just a quick note, sometimes in Japanese, you don't always use pronouns. Instead, some people will use their name or title. For instance, instead of saying, "I'm scared of eels," I could say, "Mogget is scared of eels." Anyways, I called my host mom, okaasan (mother) and my host dad, otousan (father), and since sometimes they refer to themselves as okaasan/otousan when speaking to me, it takes me a moment to register what they're saying because I keep thinking that they're referring to MY parents and not them. Anyways, they're taking me to Shirihama this weekend to watch the cherry blossoms (and other things, I'm not sure what - something about an onsen and holding a baby panda?) so I may not be able to update until after.

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