We went on a good day with the sun out and the skies clear.
Aww, pretty right? But if you just move a little bit to the left...

It's kind of a jarring image when you're trying to relax on a relatively nice beach only to see barges in the background.
Later this group of Asian guys sat in front of us and I saw the most horrible thing I have ever seen in my 22 years. A nude-colored speedo with a black waistband.

This may have been the closest I've ever been to death.

Put on sunblock, kids. Or you'll turn into a leather couch.
To be honest, the beach was alright. I've seen prettier beaches back in California. I didn't go into the water but other people told me that the water was oily (the hell??). However, interestingly enough, that day they were holding a beauty pageant sponsored by Schick, the razor brand. I think Schick was releasing a new razor or something because the entire pageant was like an advertisement for it. The pageant itself was so lame it was amusing. I've never witness something that gave me so much second-hand embarrassment.
A day (or two) later, I went to the Jurong Bird Park, which is suppose to be one of the biggest bird parks in the world (?). To be honest, after going there, I prefer just going to a zoo because if I'm tired of watching birds, I can just go around the corner and watch some monkeys. Here, if I'm tired of watching birds, I can only go on to watch...more birds.
We caught the pelicans around feeding time.
I feel bad for the fish. It's probably thinking as it's getting tossed, "Oh, FU--"
Not my hand.
I know it looks cool to feed birds out of your hand but I think that particular area was the worst in the park. The entire area was shady and there was a lot of still water, meaning it was a breeding ground for mosquitoes. I got at least 10 bites on my legs alone. I had these flesh-colored medicated band-aids that are suppose to relieve bug bites, and my legs ended up covered with them. I wish I took a picture because my band-aids were Anpanman-themed.

But I kept forgetting to take the picture. :\
There was also a lory aviary where you could walk up real close with the birds.
If you hold out your arm close to them, they'll climb onto your arm after awhile. They start nipping on your arm, which is cute at first until it starts to hurt.
While I was in Singapore, the weather was consistent in that would be sunny one day, rainy the next, and then sunny the day right after that. It was annoying in that it was harder to go outside when it was raining but at least it was easy to schedule what I wanted to do since the weather was predictable.
Anyways, on the day before I left, I went to the Singapore Zoo and more notably, the Night Safari. Before I go into the Night Safari, the one thing I liked about the zoo was that it felt more like an "open" exhibit. The barriers were usually hidden before moats or plants so it seemed like you walking along side the animals. Well, not the lions and stuff obviously. However, the place was thick with trees so were actually some species of monkeys climbing around above you. Or so they say. The only one I saw was an orangutan and her baby.
The Night Safari was quite interesting although it's essentially a zoo at night and you can see animals you wouldn't see active during the day. It also marked my first time seeing and actually being amongst bats. There was this aviary (but for bats) that you could walk through and there were literally bats zipping past me left and right. I don't have any pictures because they ask you not to use flash, but honestly even if you use flash, the picture looks like crap (yeah, I tried :X).
But I took these before the park opened and before it got dark.
A fire show outside the entrance.
That pretty much covers most of my Singapore trip. Next post I'll start talking about Shanghai, which should be shorter since I only stayed there for about 4 days.
Also, just a heads up, I'm leaving for Korea on the 16th and returning on the 26th, so hopefully I'll finish this up before I leave.
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