So my travel blog pretty much went defunct. Stating the obvious, I know. However, miraculously enough, I got a few requests to start up my blog again. You guys just can't get enough of me, huh? ;)
Haha, yeah, don't answer that.
I will admit though, in the past few months, I'd get that small nagging urge to blog. I'd end up revisiting this small poor neglected spot of cyperspace, feel ashamed of how pathetic it had become, and then lose all motivation. Then, when a few people asked me about my blog, I thought, 'Sure, why not? I'll tweak it around and start it up again when I have the time.' Well, I have the time now. Also, my stories are too long to put into a single Facebook status.
Also, no goal this time. If you were a former reader of this blog, you would know that me making goals is only a way to see them not be reached. Instead, I'll just be taking it easy and using this blog as a tool to share my stories with you. And probably pictures of food.
So, 'Sushi Trail' has now returned to fulfill your procrastination needs whether you are studying or bored at work. I think midterms are coming up soon for Pacific pharmacy students, so I'll try to gather a handful of stories when the time comes so you guys can study unconducively (it's not a word, I know).
Right. Here we go.
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