Yesterday when I went to Namba, we stopped at a Starbucks to get some coffee. I didn't know there was a short size! Apparently, American Starbucks have them too but it's just not on the menu. They're super cute and perfect for someone like me who likes to drink hot coffee slowly.
ETA: I forgot to mention, the train stations late at night is sooo much more interesting than during the day. You get to see groups of middle aged men in suits making constipated faces while trying to walk in a straight line and yelling really loudly. I watched a group of three businessmen in particular zigzag down a corridor while conversing with each other, not in Japanese, but what I'm pretty sure was gurgling. And on the bus, there were these two guys slumped in their seats completely knocked out. I felt bad for them though because it would be horrible if they woke up, only to realize that they had missed their stop five bus stops ago.
And everyone has Asian glow. It's fantastic.
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