...Wait, what's this? Oh snap, my fingers are crossed! \O.O/
Just kidding, no changes are going to be made. You can count on me to deliver the same level of suckage as I have been doing so in every post. b(^_^) Some posts may suck more than others, but you know, sometimes it can't be helped. And if a post sucks so much that it seems like it was something that I could've written while sitting on the toilet - I probably did. :P
And the toilets here do not flush in a different direction than they do in America. I'm still in the same hemisphere as you guys. I'm in Japan, not Australia. -_-
Anyways, getting back to businessss, like in my last post, I mentioned that I went to an izakaya on Saturday night. An izakaya, as Wiki puts it, " a type of Japanese drinking establishment which also serves food to accompany the drinks. They are popular, casual and relatively cheap places for after-work drinking." If you want more details, here.
The food that came with our drinks. They were very good, but were 6 bucks a plate! That's a $1.50 for each little thing you see there. Ridiculous.
But the drinks were pretty cheap. Lucky for me, I'm incredibly lightweight (practically to a fault), so it's even cheaper for me. =D
We were in (I wanna say downtown...?) Nishinomiya so we walked around for a bit before stopping at this tiny takoyaki shop, which was delicioussss. And I forgot to take a picture of the takoyaki.
But I did take a picture of this:
Not only is it one of those classic glass bottles, but it says Coca-Cola in Japanese. XD!
I was walking to the convenience store with E during lunch break when I saw the twiggiest of twig legs ever. I actually broke off mid-sentence because I was so shocked at what I saw. I'm dead serious when I say that her knees were significantly wider than her thighs (if you could even call them thighs). You know those photos you see of malnutritioned, emaciated kids from Third World countries, or something? THAT'S what her legs looked like. When I realized I had stopped talking, I tried to continue like nothing happened but I just ended up gurgling. When the Twig passed us, I couldn't help but turn around and gape.
Now that I think about it, she really looked like she was made out of those K-Nex pieces that my brother used to play with when he was younger.

It must suck when she has to ride the train or bus - every time someone bumps into her, she must break into a dozen pieces and then has to put herself back together.
I almost forgot! A shameless plug. Not for me, but still. I have known this girl for almost 4 years and I can tell you she's the pickiest eater I've ever met. She's just getting started but refer here (GASP, linking her twice??) if you wanna know where to go for good food. In California, presumably.
Oooh, you should bring me back a coke bottle.