I'm someone who likes to shop without disturbance (I'm looking at you, Bath & Body Works), and if I need something, then I'll approach a staff member. Often when I'm shopping here, a shop-girl will come up to me and point out how cute the dress I'm looking at is and will bring to me a belt or something that goes with it. I appreciate the gesture and kindness but uh, I'm in the middle of deciding whether I want to give you a load of cash or not. Interrupting my thought process isn't going to help you. So please scurry along as fast as you can in those 6-inch heels. But other than that, I really enjoy shopping in Japan.
Prices for clothes are pretty steep but I've been here long enough to be used to them and to know that you just have to be more selective in what you buy. The one thing I really like about shopping in Japan is that the Japanese love their wrapping. Usually in regards to omiyage, sometimes how the gift is presented is more important then what the actual gift is itself.
Anyways, the bags that they give you to carry your purchases are usually really nice and if you go to the nicer (read: pricier) stores, the bags they give you are actually made of fabric so you can actually reuse them as mini-tote bags.
I've kept most of my store bags and took a picture of the nicest ones that I have.
You'll notice that the Vanilla, earth, and Cecil McBee bags are fabric and totally reusable as regular bags.
In fact, I'm using the earth one right now.
When I first came here, one of the things I noticed was that about 90% of the girls here carry two bags: one is usually a fashionable bag/purse and the other is a plainer and smaller bag, usually something like the forementioned store bags. As of recently, I'm doing the same and I'm assuming it's for the same reason as these girls are doing.
Before I was just using one bag and in it I carried everything - my notes, my books, wallet, pass-wallet, etc. Needless to say, after a while, it gets heavy. I then started to try carrying my smaller items (wallet, phone, pass-wallet, iPod, etc.) in a smaller bag and in doing so, it helped redistribute the weight and is now easier on my shoulder. Also, by putting my phone and wallet in the smaller bag, I don't have to dig around looking for them. And save myself from getting glares from the people in the long line behind me when getting food.
Also, practically all the stores tape their bags closed
All the clothes stores do it and even some convenience stores do it. There were a couple of times when I went to Family Mart (a convenience store that is everywhere) and when I told them I didn't need a bag and they'd put a piece of tape that said Family Mart on it on my water bottle, or whatever I was buying. I understand why now, but I'm still surprised when it happens.
Engrish post of the day:
A great gift for any parent. Not at all inappropriate.
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