As you may have noticed, today is day 50! Whoopie! ....And I don't have anything special prepared. Heh. ^^; But I'm sure none of you were expecting anything so let's move on. :)
Tonight, my host family took me out to eat at another sushi roll restaurant, which reminded me of a previous event that I've now dubbed as The Stupidest Thing I've Done Since Coming to Japan.
I shall explain.
A couple of weeks ago, I took my friends out to a sushi roll restaurant because, dude, it was so cheap. Anyways, my friend challenged me to a sushi eating competition, to which I accepted. Apparently I was under the misguided impression that I could still eat like I could back in high school. So not only did I lose, I wanted to roll over like a bloated pig and die afterward.

I will never ever do this again. Worst decision ever.
...Further proof of the damage that the ceiling over my bed has done. And that I'm just plain stupid.
However, tonight...
Plus a slice of cheesecake. It's self-inflicted doom. I shouldn't even be whining.
By the by, cheesecake with green tea is amazing. I don't have much of a sweet tooth. With a few exceptions, I don't really like deserts in general. However, the sweetness of the cake and the bitterness of the tea struck the perfect balance and it made me very content. :)
Oh, and can I also say how awesome the restaurant we went to tonight was? While it's your standard sushi roll place where you just take the plates off the conveyor belt and if you don't see anything you want coming your way, you can order via speakerphone, this place had a touchscreen where you can put in your orders. Which was delivered to you by an automatic mini train in the shape of a shinkansen (Japanese bullet train). Holy crap!

The black box you see on top is the touchscreen. Holy crappers, man.
Engrish, please:
i want somma dat sushi!