Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 17: Birthday

Today for my birthday, I went to Umeda to celebrate instead of Namba.

Many thanks to E, who did her best to make sure today would be awesome, and our group. :)
(And yes, I took a picture of the polaroid. Me no have scanner.)

I also finally got a phone today and for the first time in my life, I have texting. And it's unlimited. Abusive use is in the foreseeable future.

I also was looking to buy an electronic dictionary but all the decent ones were extremely expensive. I have a friend who uses an iTouch and uses an application that basically serves as an Japanese-English dictionary. I weighed my options and as the iTouch is significantly cheaper than most of the electronic dictionaries available...I bought the iTouch. \O.O/ 

I don't know how I'm going to tell my parents. 

Thank freaking God for my scholarship.


  1. may I reinterate again: SO JEALOUS!

    Just don't tell them. You bought it with your own money, which was yours to spend as you please.

    Curious, does texting cost extra like it does in the US?

  2. if it wasn't for the scholarship, i never would've even considered buying a electronic dictionary, much less an iTouch. and to be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that i could get dictionary apps, i feel like it's pretty useless considering that my ipod has a gigantor times more space and i don't really play games. i bought the cheapest one which was 8gb. i feel like if you really want to buy something like this, you're better off buying a iPhone 'cos at least you get a phone and camera.

    Unlimited texting is integrated into plan that i bought but as a consequence, calling costs more. but people in japan text way more than they do calling, so it works out.

  3. umm..i think u parents may read about this anyways right? haha..

    and man, when u get back the the states, u better hope ur phone plan includes texting cause u're gonna get addicted to it. hahaha...

    I have the dictionary for the DS, remember it was the one I used in class. It is called そのまま楽引辞典. Do you think that is good enough?
